Featured Products

ANGGUNZARA’s Signature
- Premium Kate
Our Signature KATE Series – What is so special about Signature KATE Series is the custom unique shape making it easier for you to always discover new styles. Premium Kate has a CURVE on one side and an OVAL on the other, which makes it unique and exude an elegant and stunning flowy effect. The shawl design with end curved and oval cutting, provides you more coverage, beautiful drapes and also gives you plenty of freedom to style it however you want to.
Made with high quality georgette chiffon, we promised the best quality that you won’t feel disappointed. Keep it long and modest or short and practical, whatever your preference the Premium Kate is an essential wardrobe piece that you simply can’t leave without. Get yours now!
Limited Edition
The MAISON Series
LE Maison is an exclusive custom print shawl and square scarf by ANGGUNZARA. Available in both shawl and square scarf – it will surely be a statement piece in your collection, and surely add a touch of elegance to your look.